Tuesday, June 18, 2013

36 Weeks and 5 (now 6) Days...

Yesterday was the ultrasound appointment to determine if Samara is in the head down position! About 2.5 years ago, in November 2010,  I had to undergo an External Cephalic Version in order to turn Nikolai from a breeched position ( I talk about that here, here and the actual Version here). I have to say that once the wand was showing what was in the pelvic region I was extremely...


What we actually saw was her little head, not her face. But since she is a squirmy thing, she graced us with seeing her beautiful face. :) And look at those little cheeks! (We also verified that she is indeed a little girl! phew!)
She is (predicted) at this point to be 6lbs 6-7oz (give or take 8oz) and is considered the 55-65%. That is not too bad for her size. Based on the computer, using her size and measurements, she is actually estimated to be due 7-13-2013, but the doctor did not mention that I just happened to see it. who knows, maybe she will decide to come into this world early? Though I highly doubt that.
I told the doctor of my contractions anywhere between 1-3 hours and he said that was normal. Whether or not 45 minutes is, I do not know, but I figured that was close enough to 1 hour... It's ok to round up...
I gained 3 lbs this week compared to the 1lb I had lost at my two week appointment. That is better and the doctor is satisfied with that lb increase. Though, I still need to keep eating! If I manage to gain (after loss and gains) another 2lbs the doctor says that would be good. It is hard to eat when you feel sick after eating!
Nikolai (who has not had ANY accidents today!!!!) is so excited! He keeps asking to hold Samara. Wants to be close to Samara, and by default is close to me. Not that I am complaining, but if I try to talk to him, hug him, or even touch him he says "no, Samara! I talking to Samara!". It is so funny, and I love that he is being affectionate to his sister already! I hope he stays that way!
Also, Congratulations to my friends Nick and Brenda (of Teeny Cicchini(s)) and the birth of their little boy last night! I cannot wait to see pictures! :)
So many babies! Now, counting down to the arrival of our little one! :) 3 weeks and 1 days to go (give or take a couple weeks)...

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