
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I Can't Believe She's 4!!

My niece... It was 4 years ago that we flew to California to see the little one for the first time. She was so tiny and so little. And now. She is 4!

It seems like little time has passed, like she should still be a baby. And we celebrated her birthday on Sunday. She blew out her candles, though the wind kept trying to do it for her. The kids had a piƱata. Nikolai found that interesting. Dylan had fun opening up her gifts.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

10 years ago....

It has been 10 years since I graduated High School! Crazy to think that it has been 10 years already!!

I know, I know... It really is not that long, but it is a mile marker non-the-less! This year will be our reunion too. That is kind of scary and kind of exciting all at once. I am looking forward to it. Really, I am!

So, in honor of it being 10 years, here is our senior class picture!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend...

This last week was interesting with my Birthday, mother's day, quilting with my mom, being sick... Aside from the sick part it was pretty fun. I had an interview (yay), an IEP meeting, and we went to the movies. Not only that but we also bought a new (kinda, not really) car for Brandon. Busy week...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Cutting Fabric with the Cricut - Part 2

Ok. In my last post I mentioned that I was going to try to make a Quiet Book for my niece for her birthday. Well, you can go ahead and scratch that idea off the board. I have pretty much ruined a 12" x 24" cutting mat for my Cricut Expression because of mishaps with attempting to cut fabric with the darned thing. Don't get me wrong, I love my cricut. Not to mention the mistakes were entirely MY fault. Nothing to do with silly technology that can never seem to get anything right. No. The reason I am not doing the quiet book (for now anyway) is because I dislike applique so much! Something about going around small pieces of fabric on a slightly larger piece of fabric is so tedious and time consuming. I do not have the patience for it. I prefer the slightly larger projects. Who needs that bit of personalized embellishment? Ok... so it adds something.... But still... I guess I will continue on with how I have managed to ruin a bran-spakin-new 12" x 24" cutting mat... It all started with my great idea of cutting fabric...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cutting Fabric with the Cricut - Part 1

Ok... My newest crafting idea involves the new "My Quiet Book" cartridge for the cricut and my niece's birthday (which luckily is in the end of May, and I have some time). And this means cutting fabric with the cricut! Scary! I'm scared I am either going to ruin the fabric, or ruin the stuff that goes with my cricut.