
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

3 month Update..

It's been crazy 'round up in these here parts! Baby girl can roll over from tummy to back and very much prefers to sleep on her tummy...

Nikolai loves singing his ABCs and story + activity time. Love it! I have my Nick Sharratt story activity on the camera, but just need to get it onto the computer...

That is, after the craziness of Halloween!  Can't wait to share our costumes!

I attempted to join in at the end of Kids Clothes Week and look forward to the next sewing event! Fun!!

We've also been to the zoo...

And celebrated a birthday....

So when I am not rushing to finish the costumes I will post more! :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2013 FAL Q4 - Goals

I followed along with it a little bit last year and have been following a little more this year... I decided to give the Finish-A-Long, hosted this year by She Can Quilt, a try for the last quarter... I have so much more free time now because of not working. Ha, yeah right! Like 2 kids give me more free time, if anything I have less of it. But, I have to finish projects; I have so many of them! You know, in case I didn't have enough on my plate already.

she can quilt

Bare with me here... I really would like to finish these projects, that way I will feel better about starting new ones. Sometimes I wonder how people can get all the projects done that they complete! I have a hard enough time staying focused on one and finishing it in a year let alone a quarter! (ok Jessi, ADD much? LOL)

So here is my list. I will try my best to get them all down, and try even harder to at least finish 1 or 2...

1. My quilt sampler from the craftsy block of the month last year... That's right, I said last year... It went on hiatus, along with a ton of other projects because of the pregnancy and crazy work. At least it just needs quilting and binding!

2. Labyrinth Lap quilt. It has sat forever only because I have no idea if the fabric I got for the backing is actually the fabric I want to use for the backing. Does this ever happen to you? I am just sitting on it and not sure if I should just go with it or wait out for another backing... Then to quilt and bind...

3. Band Shirt Memory Quilt. I have had this quilt in the works *for*ev*er* ... I bought fabric in '06 but didn't start it until a couple years ago. Now I just need a border, then to find backing, and I think I may have found the perfect fabric but I don't really have the money right now... :( If all works out and the stars align themselves for me to get the backing, then this is a goal and I will write it down just in case. Otherwise it wont happen... It needs to be perfect and not rushed. :)

4. Samara's baby-shower quilt... I want to have this finished and if that means finding and hunting people down to complete their squares I will! *hint to those that want/need to contribute your square you better hurry! You don't want to not have your square not there! This is something that could potentially last a long time and could end up being all she has... I wont go there, too sad! It is happy!!! :) and cute!!!

5. Chess/Checker quilt... Again, sitting on fabric for*ev*er... But not too long like the band quilt... This is something we can take out and play that is not my glass chess set. :) I think it would be a great Christmas present of sorts for the hubby since he prefers to play chess over any kind of game, he has even said that he wont play any games with me until I play chess. I am not a chess fan, but I love a good board or card game! I am still in debate the sizing. I can do up to a 60"x60" and I am not sure if that seems to big or not. Cutters are poised, just debating size...

6. I have had this one forever too (everything is forever, isn't it?) and I am thinking of ripping the seams (what?!? I must be a masochist!) and inserting sashes, only the horizontal lines though... I was thinking yellow, a suggestion given by the Pres of the guild. I wanted it mostly done for my talking with the 4th grade and now, I am regretting that. I should have listened.. Ah well...

7. I also have a jelly roll of Riley Blake's Pieces of Hope that I wanted to do a puzzle pattern wall hanging. I originally wanted it to hang in my classroom, but I no longer have one of those!  I don't think this counts because I haven't even come close to starting it...

So 6 it is and I will be happy to finish one...

until next time,

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Here Are My Hands: Tracing Activity {Virtual Book Club for Kids}

I actually debated a lot about whether to share this one or not. One: it was not a huge hit at our house. Two: we wanted to take it further (meaning Nikolai) and we just for some reason didn't...

But instead I decided that someone might have more fun, and the kids may enjoy this.

We read the latest book we got from the library, "Here Are My Hands" by Bill Martin Jr... Then I traced Nikolai on the paper. He wanted to trace me too... Perhaps we shall still do that, tomorrow is another day! And he wants to trace sister. That ended up being a bomb, she would not stay still and was just overall not happy with that idea! Though, I found it a little humorous! :)

I have that lovely old printer paper. A whole box of it that I got from one of the schools I left back in '08... The box is still mostly full, but what a perfect way to use some of it! 

What you need

  • Paper
  • crayons
  • tape (or some way to hold the papers together if you don't have the old printer paper)

Layout the paper and tape together,

Lay down on paper and trace around them. We do this with hands all the time, but thought it would be fun with his whole body...

We colored and pointed to the different parts of the body as we read. A totally different experience on paper!

Thanks for stopping by! Please, check out these other sites contributing to the Book Club. If you have anything you want to share too, feel free to contribute!

There are a few rules for this blog hop that we ask you to follow, so make sure to read them: 
  1. Link up only posts inspired by Bill Martin Jr. that share children's book inspired crafts, activities, recipes, etc. Any other posts will be deleted.
  2. Visit other blog posts on the linky and comment on or share the ones you love!

see you next time,

Friday, October 4, 2013

Listen to the Rain: Make a Rain Stick {Virtual Book Club for Kids}

I picked up some more of Bill Martin Jr books from the library and decided to do another activity.

One book we picked up is Listen to the Rain. Since monsoon season just ended for us here, this book was perfect! We decided to make a rain stick!

What you need: