
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Read a Book: Carry On Warrior by Glennon Melton {book review}

*This post contains affiliate links. I have not received compensation for this review, nor was it requested of me to do this review. All opinions are my own*

'we live in a brutiful world... brutally beautiful'

I have been looking for books to read, and I am so lucky that the moms with MOPs do a book club every month to every couple of months and last month's book was Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed by Glennon Doyle Melton. She is also the person behind Momastery. I will admit, I am not too familiar with the website before this book. But now I have and will explore it a lot more.

This book is almost like her autobiography, the story of her life. I could only imagine what the story of a previous drug addict would be like. Hers is an incredible one.  She has lessons that are important to share and I think I may need another copy just to write, highlight, and post-it certain parts. So many "pages from her book" that I would love to be able to apply to parenting and relationships.

One of my favorite lines is "Be confident because you are a child of God. Be humble because everyone else is too." I am exploring my faith more and a goal of entering my 30's was to understand more of what it means to be Christian. So this line spoke to me. But this is not her entire book. 

The Berry Bunch:Read a Book: Carry On Warrior by Glennon Melton {book review}

Another that had me thinking over the weekend, especially with some pent up frustration (the last time I was without the kids aside from my nap on Sunday was over a month ago), was that someone has to be the first one to pour the wine, assuming your significant other drinks wine. In my case, it's water. You need to forgive each other, and you need to communicate. When the communication falters because of whatever life gets in the way, someone has to do something nice for the other. Monday, I had a cold glass of water waiting for hubby when he got home. It's amazing the things that can happen when you do something for somebody else.

Though, I don't think I will be placing a paper bag over my head anytime in the near future.

In her book, Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed, Glennon stopped drugs and drinking when she found out she was pregnant with her first child. And from there she has incredible stories of dealing with no longer doing those things and relearning how to live while, at the same time, teaching her children to be the best people they can be. Love others, treat others with respect, love yourself, appreciate life. It is all in there! I'm sure there is something in there almost anyone can relate to!

We are not all perfect, and there is no reason for us to hide that.

I really recommend this book. It is an incredible, fast read.

I have laughed out loud, I have cried and I would read it over again.

Some of the reviewers on GoodReads and Amazon complain that the chapters are not long enough, that several blog posts do not make a book. My opinion differs. I am one who has to complete a chapter before I can put a book back down. This makes it hard with the demands of children and husband, dishes and laundry (when I try not to leave them in the washer for a week), and with the shorter chapters, I can read them quickly and attend to their needs.

Check out her website Momastery.

Happy Reading,


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