
Friday, April 3, 2015

2015 Finish Along: Quarter 1 Finishes {2015 FAL Q1}

I did it! I had some finishes! That's right, not 1 but 2! I actually finished 2! Hooray!!!!

The finishes from my first quarter goals

Chess Quilt: I had some extra motivation to help me with the Mystery Challenge group. The theme I was given really pushed me to get it done.

Berry Bunch: 2015 Finish Along: Quarter 1 Finishes {2015 FAL Q1}: Chess Quilt

Berry Bunch: 2015 Finish Along: Quarter 1 Finishes {2015 FAL Q1}: Chess Quilt

2. Jelly Roll quilt Yeah for 2 finishes! This one had me reeling. I ripped the row seams and inserted sashes instead, but I am super excited about how it turned out... Now to just decide what to do with the silly thing. Sell it? Keep it? Donate it? We'll See...

Berry Bunch: 2015 Finish Along: Quarter 1 Finishes {2015 FAL Q1}: Jelly Roll Quilt

Berry Bunch: 2015 Finish Along: Quarter 1 Finishes {2015 FAL Q1}: Jelly Roll Quilt

Only 2 finishes but that is better than nothing! I am so excited about how they look too! Love them both! The Jelly roll quilt is going to be hard to get rid of! It's the best binding job I have done so far! :)

Linking Up

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

Happy Sewing!


  1. That is awesome Jessi! I love the black, white and grey one. Really pretty. Wish I had the desire to quilt. I am just too impatient that way.

    1. Thanks Chelsea! I was so excited to have them finished! I think that is why they have been sitting for so long, because I don't have the patience to finish them! They do take forever! Quilting was my first sewing love though, and it was good to get back to it! :)


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