
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Almost Full Term!

Well, today was the Doctors appointment to determine Nikolai's position. Got to hear his 'estimated' weight. We have done so much this last week, even though it doesn't really feel like we have done a whole lot! I am just tired.

First, the doctors appointment from today...

It was a scheduled ultrasound to determine Nikolai's position. First shot, down by the pelvis was proof he is indeed a boy. So that said, he is not in the "head down" position. I swear on the way there he did a somersault! My doctor is not trained to deliver breeched babies. That means if we do not get him to somersault again, or get him flipped at my version appointment on Monday, I will have to undergo a Cesarean...

I am slightly disappointed and sad. This was a concern of ours though because Brandon was breeched and "harvested" as he puts it. I had not found anything that states it is likely to have a breeched baby if the parents were themselves (or even just 1), so I didn't figure it would play a role. But it is just funny that our little boy is breeched. And to add to it, the measurement of Nikolai's head was big. Possibly because he is not head down, and there is no pressure from that position. Can I blame that one on Brandon too? Probably not! Between the two of  us, I guess there is no surprise there! LOL 

His weight is in the 75th percentile I think I remember him saying... He is estimated about 6 lbs and I do not remember the ounces. But, I have heard it is typical for boys to be heavier than girls at birth. I guess once Nikolai is born we can compare weight with others...

Everything Else:

We got the car seat installed and inspected. That was interesting. We did it right! Yay! I guess some people do not pull the seat belt all the way out to let it lock into place. Hurray for being able from the practice of installing Dylan's car seat several times over! I like looking into the back of my car and seeing the base there. We leave the carrier off because we don't want the sun fade the fabric. It just is exciting! Nikolai is almost here!

We also got the Chicco version of a pack-n-play to use as the basinet. It comes with this little gizmo that vibrates, makes music and has a light! I love it! It even has a setting where if the baby stirs or cries it will kick on. It is so nice. And we can use it later as a play pen! It even matches our car seat, stroller and diaper bag. It adds to the excitement!

I guess that was the biggest amount of baby excitement! We went to SIR this weekend. Got to spend some time with Brandon's brother Phillip, Cyndi and Annabelle. It was nice to see them, and they will be in town for Thanksgiving! I worked yesterday and I think I am done. It is too tiring to be in the classroom all day, before lunch I am just tired and done! I think I may email my supervisor and let her know I will be taking leave soon. Hopefully I can use March 3rd as my come back date?

And right now, I feel like Nikolai is doing another somersault... He needs to make up his mind!

2 days and Nikolai will be considered full term. So if he goes head down and decides he is done after these two days, he will no longer be considered premie. There is a relief there. And I got to see our little guy's lungs moving, practicing breathing and a very good thing according to the doctor. I hope he goes and stays head down before Monday. I would rather just get to TMC and have them say "looks like we don't need to" then actually have to move him. Because then I have to go inside for them to monitor him (don't want to cause any fetal distress). ok... Keep you fingers crossed that goes and stays in a head down position.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck - I hope Nikolai somersaults again! Either way - very soon you will have a beautiful baby - so exciting!


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