
Monday, March 7, 2011

First Shots

Today was our 2 month well baby visit to the doctors office and this time Nikolai did not pee on the doctor. I would have thought it would be funny if he did because this was the day he got his first shots too. We declined the first Hepatitis B shot at the hospital, so these shots were his first ever!

This morning was a little crazy. Brandon got  the phone call from the doctors office on Friday for the appointment reminder and couldn't remember the time. I could not find the card with the time on it, and all we could remember was 11 something. So I figured if I show up at the office at 11, I would be good. Well, I didn't leave the house until 5 minutes before 11!

As I was getting Nikolai into his car seat, not even strapped down, he started tooting away! There was no way, with his proneness to diaper rashes, that I was going to have him sit in a dirty diaper all the way to our doctors office! That is a 30 minute drive and too long to sit in a soiled diaper. Luckily, as I was waiting for him to finishing making his pushing sounds I was getting my water bottle ready and saw the appointment card on the refrigerator. I must have thought that was a good place for it when I put it there, and good thing too! Our appointment was at 11:20. So I had to rush the change and get him into the car quickly!

We were about 5-10 minutes late, oops...

Nikolai now weighs in at 10 pounds 14 ounces, is 23 inches long and has a head circumference of 39.7 centimeters. Good job buddy!  The doctor says he is doing well! I would have asked him what percentile that is, but I think I would rather not know. As long as he is doing well, that is all that matters.

The shots, poor guy. He had 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine. The oral they did first and he was doing well swallowing it until about half way. He started crying and spit it up. The nurse said to blow air into his mouth the last bit to make him swallow it. Poor little Nikolai! Brandon does that when he starts crying, well, more like screaming and he doesn't need to. So when I did that, I think it made that a little worse. Sure he swallowed but that is something Daddy does, not Mommy. And Nikolai doesn't like it when Daddy does that!

The shots... Well, I had to hold his arms down. With the first one he cried, the second one he cried harder and  the third... He just looked at me, tears in his eyes and a facial expression asking "Why?". I felt bad, yes, but not horrible. Nikolai was better the moment I was holding him. Still crying a little, but not as bad. By the time we got home, he was smiling and cooing away. A necessary evil, and an already forgotten one...

So far Nikolai has not had a fever. Chances are high he will get a low grade fever up to 101°. If it gets higher than that, then we have to be a little concerned. So I have been monitoring his temperature, and hoping that it does not rise. I would rather him not have a fever at all. But, that is not as likely as him having a low grade fever.

*several hours later...

Poor little guy. Thankfully still no fever. Though he had a nap and unfortunately has been so fussy for the rest of the day. He hasn't been wanting to be put down, has only cat napped and has been wanting to nurse almost non-stop. This is the second time he has taken a pacifier. I cannot nurse all day as I am already a little sore. But the fact that he took it says that he just wants the comfort of sucking.

It was difficult after we got home and he awoke from his short nap. Perhaps he is really tired. The doctors visit was right in the middle of his normal nap time.  I just feel bad for him. Hopefully tomorrow is a much better day with our normal nap schedule...

1 comment:

  1. Shots are so sad! But it sounds like both Nikolai and mommy handled it like a champ! I hope he doesn't get the fever too and hopefully he will be less fussy today :)


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