
Monday, April 11, 2011

Project 365

I have started a project. Something to do when Nikolai is napping. I am going to take a picture a day for a year with a goal: improve my ability to take good pictures.

I have also started a quilt for Nikolai. I hope that I do not have too many projects going on at one time! I just need something to do for me time! Something to do when Nikolai is napping and I can relax... So we will see!

The Fabrics for the Blocks

Tentative layout plan

Backing and Border Fabrics

1 comment:

  1. WooHoo Jess! Way to take on Project 365. I did that in 2009. I LOVE the scrapbook I made, but it was a ton of work :) I vowed never to undertake that again :) Good luck!!!! I'm sure it will turn out great!


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