
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Busy, busy...

I am still working on applications. I finished one for Vail and am working on one for Marana. I am nervous, but at least now I have my transcripts in. And, I have managed to make a much better resume for teaching versus a 3 page chronology of general job history. At least that seems more professional...
I don't think either opportunity (vail=pt kinder teacher; marana=pt special education teacher) will give me my own classroom. I think that sounds selfish, but then I can decorate my way, set up rules the way I want to, and do things the way I think is best and fits me. Selfish, I know. But it is like your baby, your kid. You don't want to decorate the baby's room according to other people and you don't want to raise it according to other people's rules. It's like that with a classroom. I just want to do things my way.

But then, I would only be working 4 hours a day. It's not enough to really warrant the use of a room for only half the day, not when you can keep using it for the other 2 hours the kids are in school.

I spent some time today with Beth and it was fun. It is nice spending time with friends. It's amazing how sometimes you just need friend time to stay sane. We used my cricut to make some stuff to decorate her classroom. More like signs to keep things moving smoothly. I told her, I am having my own classroom vicariously through her.

I was asked if I would take a long term sub position in Sahuarita. At first, when I filled out my paperwork for this year, I did want a long term sub position. But now, I think I would rather have only 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. I get more time with Nikolai and I get to work. I will have to see...

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