
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Jelly Roll: the first blocks

I have finally started the first blocks on the jelly roll quilt that I have been meaning to do. It is amazing how little time there is in the day! I feel so swamped and overwhelmed with work and IEPs and everything. Then to top it off, we are just playing the waiting game right now for the house. Short sales are so ridiculous. But, if all goes well and things go through, it would be so awesome to be able to actually use the craft room. Blocking it with a baby gate is just a big pain in the rear to get in and out. Not to mention the cat box nastiness just keeps us at bay anyway!

I am really excited because I think it is super cute! I love the way the blocks look. Even though it is only two blocks done, I hope that I like it once more are complete. Here are the two more up close...

 I am going to try something a little different and see if I cannot save more fabric than loosing it to seams...

Also, I have been having so much fun reading about quilting in the blogging land and all the fun that everyone had at the Sewing Summit this year. I looked up the prices and felt my heart sink. So much fun, sewing, and learning for only 2 days and it is expensive! Of course, there is lunch and 4 classes each day... But still! In Salt Lake City too! I guess if you do this kind of thing for a business and use the information to improve your business, it could be a tax write off. Oh well.... Maybe one day I would get to go? Hmmm... Not sure as it is really pricey!

Instead, I am looking at the website of the Tucson Modern Quilt Guild and thinking how wonderful it would be to visit with people that have the same interests as I do. So I sent them an email to see the cost of dues before I ask Brandon if he would mind that I attend one of their meetings. No point in going to a meeting if the dues are ridiculous.  
Tucson Modern Quilt Guild

I keep thinking that I need to get out of the house and send some time with like minded people (unfortunately work does not count even though spending time with fellow teachers is nice).  But then it gets hard because I would have to take time away from my son and it is hard to even just go to work... I will just mull over this one for a while I think.

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