
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sleeping Bag Liner

One other thing I wanted to have done before the camping trip was a sleeping bag liner. My sad little sleeping bag is only rated to 40 °F. It was a quick cheap replacement for a sleeping bag that got lost in a move around 3.5 years ago. Of course that sleeping bag had been around since the early 90's and it was time for retirement anyway.

Since we were supposed to be going to the White Mountains area, We were a little over an hour outside Payson area above Bear Canyon Lake, I needed something warmer for me.
Our cousin had made a liner for her daughter and I thought it would be cool to do. So I looked around the internet and found this cool and nifty tutorial from Two Canoe. I figured it would be a nice little start to making my own...
Well, I went to Joann's to by one of those no-sew blanket kits because I figured that fleece was what I could use and it just so happened to be the perfect size (the larger kit was), and it was cheaper than buying the fabric by the yard!
I just folded the fabric in half and then sewed down the long side and along one short side! It was perfect! It was, however, tough to determine before sewing if it was going to be enough because little man was enthralled with covering himself. He kept crawling under the fabric and saying "night, night" with a huge grin on his face. Too cute not to try to get a picture of him. He was just too darn fast! But I still love his little feet dangling out from under the blanket! :)
I wish I had added a zipper. But that can always come later. it fits in the sleeping bag just wonderfully. I wish it was a little warmer, I think I should have doubled the bag. I think I may rip the finishing seam at the top, use the second fabric and make a double layered bag instead. I am so glad my grandparents gave us a heater for the tent because it was just too cold.

1 comment:

  1. The liner looks great, hope you had a fun trip! And thanks for the mention :)

    Anthony from TwoCanoe


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