
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy Friday!

And I am excited because it is a long weekend, no school on Monday! And then next week it is Thanksgiving and we are thinking of just having dinner here! Instead of going everywhere, driving from one end of town to the other, and skipping naps. Well, this is just us as far as we know right now. It is going to be interesting.
Nikolai's birthday invitations need to go out by not this Monday, but the following Monday. Ack! That gives me one week to put them all together! I can do it. I can do it... It is going to sneak up on me before I know it though!
Nikolai has been cracking me up lately. We were in his room, I was putting his toys away and he started counting, "one, two, three" and I just had to smile and laugh quietly to myself for fear of stopping him. He hasn't done it again, it's only been to two. And he will talk to himself saying "a, b" then start over. The letter names are all drawn out too. I love it, it is so cute! It is amazing how much he can say now, the vocabulary is just spiking and I feel there is a new word every time I turn around!
Since Halloween, today we did what we said we were going to do. We said that after being pirates his little rat tail, and sadly his baby curl, was going to be cut off. Yesterday, we went next door and to Billy's dismay we had not cut it off yet. He voiced his dissapointment and made us realize that putting it off wasn't doing any good. Of course it wasn't doing any harm either... Yet... But it was becoming a snarly mess after bed time and after bath time. It really needed to go.
And off it went. The Rhino Song was playing on Brandon's phone keeping Nikolai's attention long enough to remove that precious little curl. Now when I look at him, his hair no longer says baby, his hair says boy. And that, despite the little bit of saddness that is their, makes me smile. He is such a darn cute little boy!
Here is a picture of the curl that is now gone. Nothing updated  for an after yet...
I had a lovely day playing with my wonderful little guy today. :) Got some sewing in too on the jelly roll project! :) Which reminds me, I almost forgot! I went to my first Tucson Modern Quilt Guild meeting yesterday and I just loved it! I was super nervous because I did not expect to know anyone there. I am pretty sure one of the girls was my advisor over at NAU though, which is crazy! But I did not get to talk to her about that, so not positive on that one. It was super fun!

The members had been working on two blocks a month and making quilts for donating to UMC's cancer center for people receiving chemo treatments. This month's quilt block is the Card Trick quilt block. The goal is for people to make one traditional and one modern and those will be used to make two blankets (hopefully). I am having fun making some diagrams for the second of the two. But they kind of look like a friendship star with some other stuff going on. but no worries because I have got some time, and there are some neat stuff online too... I guess I am just really excited because it is for a good cause, we get to talk about quilting, and the people just seem like a group of really nice people. I already cannot wait for next months meeting. :)
And now for my holiday countdown!
13 days to Thanksgiving!
43 days to Nikolai's Birthday
46 days to Christmas!
Anyone planning on doing Black Friday shopping? Last year was my first year and we went really for Nikolai's carseat for after the carrier. I haven't decided yet for going this year, I haven't even looked for ads!
Linking over to Felicity Quilts. :) Happy Friday! :)

1 comment:

  1. Guild meetings are so fun, aren't they? It's wonderful to spend time with people who speak your language as it were. (Belated) thanks for linking up to Friday Felicities!


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