
Saturday, February 2, 2013

17 weeks...

Things have been super crazy. I don't know if it is because we will be moving, or because school is crazy, or because I am preggo.  In a way it feels like things are moving 10 times faster than they were a few days ago.
We should be getting the keys to the house on Tuesday. I am super stoked about that. I know I say this every post, but I am not looking forward to moving. Who likes moving?  It'll just be nice to be in our own house. Of course, the drive to work every morning and the drive home every afternoon will not be fun (an hour each way)!
Nothing got packed this weekend so far. Nikolai has had his first real fever. Not fun. A little stressful. I feel bad for my poor little dude. He has been handling it like a champ though. It broke once today (Saturday) but went up again before he went to bed. We will see how it is in the morning. If it is not better by tomorrow night, then I am calling the doctor and taking him in on Monday. Taking care of a sick little boy is a little more important than packing...
Nikolai has been doing so well with counting! I have heard him count to 15. He sounds like he tries to go harder and I am sure that he is, but it is hard to understand what he is saying past that point. He likes to say his ABCs but does not get all the letters. He doesn't say the same ones every time either. I am sure that if you listened and kept track of what he was saying he probably gets every letter after several of his run throughs! He also called the color of a blue object correctly. Usually he will say a color but not get it right. It's cute. He is learning so much, and growing up so fast!
Brandon took a 17 week belly picture of me the other day. I looked at it next to one from Nikolai and I think I am bigger with this one! Eeek! But it is probably just because the skin and muscles have already been stretched out this way, now baby is just filling in the extra space. ;)
I tried to measure around my belly and I think I keep reading 41" because I cannot see the measuring tape. I think I might need to start asking Brandon for help with that.
17 days until we find out the gender of the baby! :) Very exciting, and I am counting down! I am thinking it is a girl. I have been craving sweets or at least sweet foods. I don't really care though, as long as our little peanut is healthy. :)
It is harder to work being pregnant than I thought. By the end of my day I feel like I need to sit. I don't know how people do it all day, especially when they have to stand. I finally went and got my fingerprints redone. Hopefully it isn't too big of a problem as my card expires in February. Eeek!
This month is going to be crazy with IEPs, trainings, and whatever else is going to happen this month. It's going to be fun!
Enjoy your Superbowl Sunday! May the game be exciting and the commercials funny. :)

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