
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Baby Girl's 6 months update... Almost 7 months!

It seems like it was just yesterday that we brought Samara home from the hospital. Already she is sitting up unsupported, sat up on her own so far 2 times, and is making her way across the floor! Oh my goodness!

The Berry Bunch: Baby Girl's 6 month update...Almost 7 Months

At her Doctor appointment (the shots got to us this time around), she weighs 13 lbs 3 oz. That is 1 lb more than the month before! For my little babies, that is a big gain!  She is also 24.75"! I'm so proud of my growing baby girl. Course, the shots were not fun. She was whiny, cranky, and only wanted to nurse for days. She would nurse, sleep, nurse, sleep, etc... Her sleeping was not longer than 30-45 minutes at a time and would just nurse from waking to sleeping... Forget getting too much done!

The Berry Bunch: Baby Girl's 6 month update...Almost 7 Months

She is such a little manipulator. She knows exactly what to do to get her way, and getting her way means mommy holding her. Of course she is such a silly little girl and loves laughing at her silly brother! And he sure loves making her laugh! He will giggle right along with her, then tell me "mommy, she likes it!" It is just too darn cute. He has to be close to her and she doesn't like being too far from him. It's sweet! She calls him 'broa" with the vowels kind of drawn out. It's cute, and doesn't happen all the time, but when she is calling out to him (looking for him) or trying to get his attention. I love it! 

The Berry Bunch: Baby Girl's 6 month update...Almost 7 Months

The Berry Bunch: Baby Girl's 6 month update...Almost 7 Months

She has started eating solid foods. She has had rice cereal (and is hard to feed because she lunges for the spoon), asparagus (she prefers it with butter) and peas. Asparagus made her gag the first two times we fed it to her, but she opens her mouth for it if it is made with butter. Since that is how we normally prepare it, that works well. Next will be broccoli and cauliflower. I wanted broccoli to be second, but we were out. I hope that our food decisions help having a non-picky eater like her brother. But who knows. She still goes for our plates as we eat.

The Berry Bunch: Baby Girl's 6 month update...Almost 7 Months

I have also lost a bunch of weight! Maybe TMI but I am sharing this number with you. I was 139! I have not been below 150 since before Brandon and I were married! I thought my pants seemed to be getting bigger recently, but didn't really realize it until I stood on the scale. 


  1. She's a cutie! Tim is the same age and his big brother loves to make him laugh, too! I didn't think it would be this much fun to have two kids :)

    1. It's great watching the two interact and seeing them laugh and have fun with each other just makes my heart sing! It's fantastic! :)


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