
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sunday Lately {Week 58}

I joined a group of bloggers and once a week they participate in a weekly update. Getting the readers closer to the writers, an opportunity to share what's been going on, and a chance to put down ideas. 
Every Sunday they post a response, or brain dump if you will, to 5 prompts.
This weeks prompts: Updating, Remembering, Needing, Wearing, Being

So many blog posts to write, so much to say! It's amazing how much life changes in a day/month/year. Our baby girl decided to join us on Thursday, creating our little family of 4 into a family of 5. I'm loving it, my world surrounds this amazing little bundle. I can't wait to get out the birth story of her arrival. Those stories always fascinate me! And it is nice having them here to be able to go back and reread later!

As I prepared for the arrival of our little girl, I went back over the stories of the other 2. It helped me with this one, remembering what it was like even though knowing ever story, just like every person, is different. I was so nervous about how this one would go. 

Now, as I look at this precious little one, I remember what the other two were like as babies. So little, so needy, but oh so sweet! I missed those little noises and coos. I just missed having a little baby in the house!

I feel like I'm needing so much more rest and sleep after this little one's arrival than the other two. But it's so much fun just sitting and watching the older ones admire their baby sister. So much love in this house! 

I'm still walking around in pajamas. After all, it's only been 2 days since we returned from the hospital. I cannot wait to wear a particular dress that will be posted here in a couple days. :) I've been dreaming up my spring, nursing friendly, capsule wardrobe that I will try to start sewing in a couple weeks.

I'm focusing on being a mom. Focusing on my husband, myself and healing, and the kids. 
Sunday Lately with Blogger Tribe

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