
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday Lately 109

I'm joining in with Blogger Tribe's Sunday lately today! I actually have some quiet time to sit at the computer! Sure, it's late, but it is quiet time! Yay! It's still Sunday, so I feel super on schedule! Even if there only is 1.5 hours left as I write this! Yay #momlife

Writing: I've been working on getting some "lesson plans" written up for Virtual Book Club for Kids and Kindergarten prep for little S. I did one with her already and she loved it! After all, it involved three of her favorite things: Penguin (from the series by Salina Yoon), rocks, and paint! Check it out here it was fun and I even felt excited by my painted rocks, and I don't paint!

Quitting: I am trying super hard not to sit on my behind while N is in school and/or when baby K is napping. I need to get this house in order, purge a ton of unwanted items, and organize like crazy. I miss sewing, and really I need the house in order so it' not in complete disarray after a mini sewing session. Not to mention I have no place to put my machine! I guess it boils down to: I need to quit saving stuff

Fixing: My organizational skills and hoarding tendencies. I boxed up baby boy clothes about a month ago and need to actually get them out of the house. Small steps, right? Ha! It'll free up so much space! I just need to actually go take them somewhere. My usual line up is consignment, consignment then donate. I should just donate. get it out. But I use the money from consignment to buy the kids the next size in clothes, so... Then it just comes down to having the time to drive to the consignment and hope they aren't too busy. After all I only have less than 3 hours while N is in Kindergarten!

Celebrating: The kids celebrated their 100th day at school! They were to dress up as if they were 100 years old. N wore a button up, with some momma made pants and hat! Loved it! He did not want to wear make up to look wrinkly and had no desire for baby powder in the hair to make it look gray. But her is just too darn cute!

We will be celebrating baby K's first birthday next week! I cannot believe she will be 1 already! She's a little daredevil, spitfire girl and I love her to pieces!

Updating: My bag. I'm weaning myself from the massive diaper bag and trying to work my way back to some form of mom purse where I can carry my planner, wallet, a diaper and wipes and call it good. I usually keep a spare change of clothes in the car for the kids so I don't feel it's necessary in the diaper bag. But, my wallet is falling apart, and I have the envelopes stashed in many pockets in the bag. I need it all in one place. I don't know when I will be able to sew up one but I have a few patterns and tutorials I have gathered. I can't wait to pick one that will work for the system and I can *sniff* throw my falling apart wallet away.
I also need to update my wardrobe horribly. It was a goal last year, but with post-partum everything, it hasn't happened yet. Back to a goal for this year!

Happy Sunday!

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