
About Me


I am Jessica, you can call me Jessi.

I am a full-time mom of one wonderful little boy and two beautiful little girls. They are my joys and I find it so hard to not talk about them or find ways to fit them into a conversation.

I am married to a wonderful husband who is amazingly handy.

The Berry Bunch

I left special education to be with my kids. I love teaching, creating lesson plans and being in a classroom. I know that I will miss it until I will be able to return again, or if I ever do! I try to utilize my education background at home with my son and daughter in our adventures with Read and Play, where we read a book and do a fun activity to go with it, and homeschooling!

One thing I do have a hard time with, as a stay at home mom, is trying to find a way to juggle my many 'roles' in life. It seems that the way things go is just centered around one thing. I wish I had more time to play with my kids, to work on my projects, or learn new things. But, there is just not enough time in the day to do everything! So, I just am trying to find the balance of it all.

This blog is me just working my way through the balancing act, though at times it is pretty heavy sided on one thing. It is about life, family (good or sad), crafts, sewing the kids clothes and anything else that I may be working on, working through, or just living. It's not just about me. It is about my husband, it is about our son and daughter, it is about us. Therefore it is The Berry Bunch.

Grap a cup of coffee and stay for a while!

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  1. Hi Jessica...I just found your blog! What fun... Looking forward to a lot of catch-up reading! ❤, Wanda


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