
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sewing a Mini-Capsule: Planning {Self-Care}

I love the concept of a capsule wardrobe.
A limited amount of clothes: 
not spending as much time folding & sorting (Ha! Like I sort my clothes!)
fewer items mean fewer loads of laundry meaning it takes less time out of your day to wash and move to the dryer (and not load upon load upon load...)

I think I really started looking into it for the first time about 3 years ago... I've been looking for ways to pare down my wardrobe, discard the items I no longer wear without regret and find a color combination I absolutely love which I can mix and match in endless ways for an amazingly magical wardrobe.

So far, I have been unsuccessful.

I was *Finally* able to get rid of totes upon totes of clothes I have not worn in years, just within this last year. I was *Not* able to do it without feeling the regret later because some articles had been put in the totes by the kids moving things around, or I was planning on going through it one more time only to realize later there were things I didn't really want to donate. My heart still hurts.

Despite getting rid of the totes and totes of clothes, I still have an overabundance of items in my closet. Most of which, I do not even consider wearing! And yet, I cannot seem to part with any of them!

I've come to the conclusion that the bloggers, Instagrammers, and social media capsule wardrobe gurus are some sort of clothing wizard (magician, sorcerer, what have you). No matter how much I have tried I don't seem to conjure the same type of amazing outfit combinations. 

That is not stopping me from trying.

I think all I need is a little bit more practice. 

I am going to go with a mini capsule.  For now.

After lots of playing with my wardrobe and then running through Vivienne Files Build a wardrobe from scratch and going through the videos for Dress Your Truth, I think I have found my colors. Purple, mint, navy, and dark grey. This is what I have the most of in my wardrobe, these are the ones that get used the most. so why not? 

I attempted the 10x10 Wardrobe Challenge and quickly fell off the wagon before I really got started. Recently the facebook group Sew Altered Style Sewciety did a similar challenge with 7 items to create 7 outfits for 7 days. I started and followed through. I loved it. I even created projects in my head to help my wardrobe. I have been perusing online for fabric ever since.

I am thinking of attempting to do an almost 4x4 capsule by Vivienne Files. She has a great worksheet for it here, I just used google docs to fill in the blanks. I am planning some sewing to fill in the gaps. 

Things I need:
Navy: shirt and skirt
Dark Grey: cardigan, pants
Mileage: mint shirt, purple shirt, Cream Shirt,
Expansion: modify store-bought denim

And because I needed to round it out to make the grid work, I added a Chambray top. Because, I think I want a chambray top. This also fits with the Make 9 in 2018 challenge which is ever so popular in the Capsule Wardrobe Sew Along group on facebook.

Now, just to actually find a way to aquire the fabric (after searching my totes upon totes of stash here at home) and what patterns to sew up. I'm thinking some tops from Love Notions, Patterns 4 Pirates, Made 4 Mermaids though none of those are set in stone (actually I think I'm already going to change it up), and I haven't decided on the grey pants yet. I might need some help, What are your favorite patterns to sew for yourself?

Are you a capsule/minimalist wardrobe curator and only have what fits or were you like me and just got/sewn clothes because you liked them?

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Spring Break? Sick Break {Parenthood}

It's the first day of Spring Break. The kids are excited to get out and have fun at the jump place, the park, the zoo, wherever our little hearts desire to explore. But as I give the kids good morning hugs I notice one of them is feeling a bit warm to the touch. My heart starts to pound and I know a higher temperature is going to read on the thermometer. 

Spring Break. Winter break. Summer Break. It's all just a sick break.

It seems to be the time my kids get sick. It's like their little bodies know now is the time that they do not need to be anywhere so it is ok to fall ill to some strange virus. I am stuck between feeling glad that I do not have to go anywhere and sad that my poor babies are feeling so icky. Every few days another one succumbs to the virus and before we know it, the whole household has become infected as our bit of free time comes to an end.

It's the few times out of the year where we can pile up into the car and head somewhere without too many restrictions. School breaks are the adventure times. The times where we don't have to adhere as much to the strict bedtimes as we do while the school is in session. I just want to cry for missing this time to have fun! Especially since the kids missed out on park adventure dates and similar fun times while myself and husband were sick during this past winter break.

Kids get sick. It's what they do. Instead of heading somewhere fun we are having movie-filled days with popcorn and fruit gummies. We are snuggling extra amounts on the couch. Sippy cups filled with juice and ice have been at the ready. As moms and parents, that is what we do when the kids get sick.

Too bad they couldn't miss a day or two of school. But with the weird on and off again fevers they have it is probably a good thing since they would have missed an entire week plus of school.

I guess it's a good thing that the virus waited until break to hit the family. We are lucky they get 2 weeks off for spring break. Otherwise, the kids would have missed school. It was a good time for no guilt cuddling and for mommy to work her magic on the healing process.

Hopefully it's gone before the kids go back to school at the beginning of next week. Even if it means we don't get to go out and do some fun things. No guilt. Just keep cuddling those sick babies.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Where Does the Time Go? {Welcome Back}

You know how time flies and all of a sudden a huge surge of time has passed and you don't even know what happened? These last 6 months have been super crazy! Like, seriously. I have no idea where the time went or what we honestly spent all our time doing! I mean, yeah. The oldest is in school (1st grade) and I got my middle into speech services at the preschool. Good gracious that girl needed some help. And she starts kindergarten in the fall, or rather in the summer in our case!

How has this much time passed that I have not sat down and shared anything with you? Ok. Not quite 6 months. More like 5 months. I know I did not share much with you wonderful readers in the last year though. I am hoping planning to share more with you all.  Although did you see the new Boys Can Wear Pink post? He Loves his shirt! The girls got some new dresses in the Super Heroes and Princesses GYCT Spring Dress Tour which they wear all. the. time.

But, wait? What do I have to share with you now? I know my last year was not much in the sewing and crafting world and more of the mommy stuff and then this month I have shared 2 sewing posts.  What's up with the jumping around? 

Well, I'm not entirely sure what is up with the jumping around. It's just the way my life goes, especially with kids. So much jumping around. So much growth. So much change. Life is change. Life is growth. And man has so much happened in the last 5-6 months! Yet it almost feels like nothing much has. Isn't it kind of funny how it feels that way? It's like I can't keep up with how fast time is passing us by. I have not taken much time to sew. I have not taken much time to craft. I miss it. Motherhood has me by the horns for sure. I am jumping with the throws motherhood sends my way. 

I originally started this blog for the purpose of keeping up with family. I added in sewing and craft stuff after a couple years and then the shift occurred to where it was pretty much just sewing and craft stuff.  I plan to work on integrating it all together. There will be some motherhood stuff, some self-care, sewing for the kids, taking care of the family, some general trying to figure-things-out kind of posts, and quite possibly a little bit of God thrown in. But I will tell you now, it's not going to be perfect. I am not perfect. None of us are, really. I am still trying to figure out how to jump through some of life's hoops (and how to avoid some entirely). 

Welcome {back} to the journey of our lives. 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Super Heroes and Princesses: Spring Dresses {GYCT Designs Tour}

*This post contains affiliate links. I only earn a commission if you make a purchase. I was given a pattern in participation of this tour, all opinions given and expressed are my own.*

Welcome to my stop on the GYCT Dress Tour! Have you seen the other awesome dresses? Check out the list of previous stops (and don't forget to check out tomorrows stops as well) at the bottom of the post along with a giveaway!!

It is no secret I am a fan of GYCT Designs sewing patterns. You can check out all my GYCT posts and clothes using GYCT Designs patterns here. It has been a while since I have sewn much of anything lately and I am super excited to be driving that machine again! The bonus is that I am *finally* sewing up some dresses I have been asked for on numerous occasions!

I used 2 different patterns to create the girls 2 different dresses. 
*Supergirl Dress = Tinley Tee
*Princess Dress = Happily Ever After Dress

SuperGirl Dresses 

I made these first. 
Confession: I started the first one about a year and a half ago and never actually finished it. It's the one on the toddler. It was supposed to be her sister's so the fit isn't quite right, but she'll grow into it. It got super stretched out before I was able to attach the neckband, skirt or armbands.
The girls have worn these dresses multiple times and they have been washed multiple times before I was able to get pictures. Yay for being on top of things! Boo That the paint was starting to come off! I guess it gave my older girl something to fidget with? Ha!

Now, the Tinley Tee is not actually a dress, just a shirt. I cut it at the band line and instead of adding a band, I added a little strip and a skirt. I also added a band to the arm instead of hemming. I will do almost anything to avoid hemming. It's my dreaded sewing task! Please tell me I am not alone?

The "S" was freezer paper stenciled onto the dress. I have not jumped on the HTV bandwagon yet with a Cricut or silhouette (they are a bit pricey). This is the first time I've really had paint do this to me. But, the girls love it so no worries. They'll outplay the dress before it has a chance to come off completely I'm sure!  

For the longest time, this was the only kind of dress my oldest girl would wear. Knit, drop waist, a simple gathered skirt, no frills, no tulle. the Tinley Tee in a dress. I made so many of them. After making her this one I wondered why I stopped making her clothes. She wants to wear this dress all the time. I did end up shortening the bodice part a bit further than the band cutting line. It is a straight size 4 and for her, it was a little long. She's more in between the two sizes, but this gives her room to grow. 

The toddler's dress, since it started out intended for her older sister, was a little longer as well. But it is so funny to watch her run in it. Ok, it's just cute to watch a toddler run! And I am pretty convinced she grew some since I finished the dress! I swear it was longer on her when I finished it!

Her skirt is a bubble skirt. And I love the look of the bubble skirt! She pulls down on the yellow stripe which does not help the length of the bodice a bit. I am thinking I should shorten the top a bit so it fits her better...

I do love how these dresses turned out! 

Princess Dresses

Another long requested dress from the girl. But, being the specific thing she is it had to be a purple gown, not too long and it had to have buttons. But not any buttons. Buttons fit for a princess. And, it couldn't be too poofy. I just had to laugh at my 4-year-old.

The Happily Ever After Dress has a long skirt. As much as I wanted to see it long, I had to take it up to appease the 4-year-old and goodness if I didn't make the toddlers the same as big sister's dress it would be the end of the world! The pattern uses a zipper instead of buttons as well. Trust me. Stick with the zipper! I am not scared of zippers. I love them. In fact, I love them more than buttons! And I am not scared of buttonholes (hoorah for an automatic buttonhole foot for my machine!).

I guess the buttons don't look that bad. Buttons fit for a princess!

The front with the ribbon was fun. I winged it for placement and basted them on before sewing the sides to the front. If I were to do this again I might add loops to lace instead of straight sewing in the ribbon. 

I had fun sewing in the princess seams. It reminded me of curved piecing (like the drunkard's path blocks) for quilting. So fun.

Once I sewed up one of the princess dresses (seriously the first one took me 3 days. I kept sewing the back wrong so I kept ending up with 2 right sides. I had to walk away for a day for my tired momma brain to rest), the second took me only a matter of hours. I made sure to lay the pieces out so I didn't keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Seriously. It's a great looking dress but simple to put together!

Next time I will win the zipper vs. button battle as well. Ha! I say that now...

Don't Forget! Check out the awesome dresses on the rest of the tour! And the giveaway from the awesome sponsor Sunshine Rae Fabrics!

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Friday, March 2, 2018

Minecraft Inspiration: Boys Can Wear Pink Series 4

Welcome to my stop on the Boy's Can Wear Pink tour! Can you believe this is season 4? Incredible, right? It's our 4th year participating in the tour! Check out our other boys can wear pink posts here, here and here!

Seriously, it was the very beginning of January and little man came up to me. Mom, I don't want to do a 'wear pink' this year. Broke my momma heart! I look forward to this every year! (so far my favorite is season two).  So, of course, I ask him why. "I don't know, I just don't like pink". Heartbroken and still wondering why he doesn't like pink, I left it at that. At the end of January, we were getting into brainstorming the valentines box this year and he is non-stop talking about Minecraft. All the characters. And I wondered what he would think of a pig shirt. Simple, light pink with the face of a Minecraft pig on the front. He was excited! "And we could do the tail and ears on the back!"

Berry Bunch - Boys Can Wear Pink Season 4

Score one for mom! We are still going strong! Pattern used was the Vintage V-Neck by BlankSlate Patterns.

And, as it turns out you can't really see the ears on the pig. At least not according to any of the pictures after performing a google search. So we went will simple freezer paper stencils (I have yet to jump on the vinyl bandwagon with a cutter like a new cricut or silhouette.)  The pig face truely is both amusing and terrifying. And the fabric? Light pink was not sufficient.

Berry Bunch - Boys Can Wear Pink Season 4

 Little man helped iron on the freezer paper and did the painting himself. I think it adds to the character of the shirt. Not to mention the pixelation of the game itself. Kind of?

Berry Bunch - Boys Can Wear Pink Season 4

We had a nice conversation about the color pink and how it is just a color. By picking inspiration that intrigues and he is interested in the color has become one for boys. I couldn't imagine having this kind of conversation with him 4 years ago, I was hoping he would always enjoy the color. At least, for now, he understands that it is not a 'girl's color' but just a color.

Berry Bunch - Boys Can Wear Pink Season 4

He told me the fabric choice was perfect (it was out of the stash) and he was glad he decided that one instead of the light pink.

Berry Bunch - Boys Can Wear Pink Season 4

He tells me, "anyone can wear pink mom, even you!"

Berry Bunch - Boys Can Wear Pink Season 4

I love this kid...

Berry Bunch - Boys Can Wear Pink Season 4

Check out these other awesome posts in this incredible series!