Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boy's Boys Can Wear Pink Series {and a Giveaway}

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

Thanks for coming by to my stop on Handmade Boy's Boys Can Wear Pink blog tour! How fun are these posts? What is your opinion on breaking those 'gender roles" and color association?

Hubby is not much for having boys wear pink. It's a girl's color. I can say it is far from one of my favorites! But, it has been one of little man's favorite colors since he started really paying attention to colors. It started when we were potty training almost 2 years ago and his reward for using the potty was jelly beans (it was shortly after Easter). His two favorite colors? Pink and Brown. Since then, his two favorite colors? Pink and Brown.

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

Hey, it's a great combination! Enter: Brown and Pink inspiration...

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

For the pants I used the Pier 49 Convertible Cargos by Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop (affiliate links). I used some hand me down old sheets that was used as fabric for the brown and had the stripes sitting in my stash that was *supposed* to have been turned into a quilt for baby girl. Much better as pockets for little man's pants! :)

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

For the shirt I used the Maui Muscle Tee by Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop (affiliate links). I used an old light-pink tank of mine for the body and binding and the same brown sheet for the side panel.

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

I pulled most of my browns and pinks for little man to pick and these are his decision. I love how it turned out and *bonus* so does the Hubby! I cannot even say how excited that I am to hear him say it looks good! It helps that little man goes running up to him showing off his new outfit! :D

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

One extra bonus with this push of social norm boundaries? A giveaway! Some great designers and shops have shown their support! Check out these awesome prizes!

Boys Can Wear Pink Giveaway: The Berry Bunch

Stenzo Pit Stop Poplin in pink from Mabel Madison
$25 gift certificate, plus a surprise fat quarter from Phat Quarter Shop
One yard of solid cotton/lycra & one yard of coordinating fabric from Purple Seamstress
One pattern of choice from Paisley Roots
$20 store credit from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop
One pattern of choice from Patterns for Pirates
One pattern of choice from Mouse House Creations
Bottoms Up Pants Pattern from If Only They Would Nap
One Pattern of choice from Titchy Threads

The Berry Bunch: Brown and Pink Jelly Bean Inspiration: Handmade Boys' Boys Can Wear Pink Series

Pants: Pier 49 Convertible Cargos by Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop (affiliate links)

Happy Sewing!

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