Friday, February 17, 2012

Weighty Work...

This month has been so incredibly stressful. I know I can do it, I can write those IEPs! Such a daunting task, so much repetition and redundancy it is ridiculous! I knew it was going to be that way, there was no kidding myself. I just wasn't sure when it was going to start.

I will first provide some background information for you. IEPs are Individualized Education Plans. These are the legal, binding documents that we use for students that are in special education. These are like a guide that goes over student performance, the goals for the year, their disability and whatever else is needed information for the student.

I still need to finish the 2 that are due at the end of this month. I should probably be doing that now instead of writing this blog post, but I enjoy blogging more.

I run around from classroom to classroom a lot at work. Thursdays are especially crazy because I do not spend longer than 30 minutes in a classroom. Not exactly ideal for providing lessons, but it still makes for an entertaining Thursday (and my Friday).

A few weeks ago, I was sick. Couldn't eat without feeling nauseous, and had to take care of a sick baby (luckily who had his worst before I got mine). My Grandparents were over last week and said it looked like I had lost weight.  So yesterday I had decided to step on the scale and see... I am 4 pounds under my weight that I was at when I found out I was pregnant with Nikolai! I have not been this low in nearly 4 years!

So I credit this to my crazy running around at work and being sick a few weeks ago. Well... and the stress of writing these IEPs...

And on another note...

I am having a lot of fun playing with Nikolai. He is such an active little person and loves the outside! :) I love his curiosity and interest about everything. It is refreshing kind of, the interest and happiness of a toddler. How can you not feel good about it? I have no idea...

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