Monday, January 28, 2013

Ending the 16 Weeks

Well, I am 17 weeks on Wednesday. I have had headaches nearly everyday for a week (ugh), though at least most of the morning sickness is gone. We are set to sign the documents Tomorrow (though it was supposed to be today) and we close on Thursday. We are hoping that we can get the keys on Thursday as well. But do not know yet... It is Tucson, and everything moves slow out here.
I can say that I am not happy about spending majority of this pregnancy packing. (almost done... almost done...) I am sad that my sewing machine and cricut are packed up, but my crochet hooks and yarn are still out at least.
Even though I feel the dining area is crowded with boxes, I feel that the house hardly has been packed up. Maybe because of the disastrous place it becomes when packing. It looks like a tornado touched down in the house and only stirred it's contents. Horrible.
I cannot wait to move. A bigger place (though I know that is not always a good thing) and hopefully room for all the stuff we have collected over our time here. It is amazing how much junk one can accumulate. We reused all the boxes when we moved into this place almost 4 years ago. And we needed to go out and get about twice the amount more just to pack up all the extra stuff we have. Now I am thinking we have used and thrown out boxes before this move, but I am not for certain.
I sure hope that we don't have to move for a while after this one. I so dislike packing.
I am excited 23 days until we can find out the gender of this baby! :) So vote on the gender while you still can (poll is on the right)... Still only 41 inches around.
Hope the rest of you are having a great Monday! I am going to see what I can do about this headache that feels like it may quickly turn into a migraine...

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