Ups and Downs were accompanied by ooh's and aaah's. He would open his mouth when we asked him to, and that later became a game (I think that he figured out it was a good thing). And, I got to see my cousins! A bummer they live all the way on the other side of the country. It just means we get to travel to visit, and travel to someplace entirely outside our desert norm. :)
But this Friday we leave for camping. Two vacations in one week? How lucky are we? So exciting!
I am, though, finding that I need a little reminder. We have not heard yet about the house. Signed a few extra papers, waited, signed some more papers and are waiting again. I sure hope we can be in the house by Christmas. That is, if all goes well.
I found this on pinterest. It is from Brighton the Day and it totally goes with the whole Happiness Advantage video that I posted about here. Sometimes I think we just need to keep that in mind...
I am so glad that we are living in a house that our cousins were so kind enough to rent to us. I posted on facebook that it would be nice to live in a house by Christmas and another cousin was kind enough to point out that we are already living in one. Though, she knew what I meant, it was a reminder I needed.
We are hoping to be able to throw little man his 2nd birthday party in the new house as it would be more comfortable. Brandon doesn't like the idea of having it in the house we are currently in: as it doesn't seal, the floors are a hard saltillo tile. But, it would be cheaper to have it at the house, regardless of which one we live in.
As this weekend comes to a close, fall break will be over and 2nd semester starts on Monday! Then, the holidays! I love the holidays!
41 days till Thanksgiving!
71 days till little man's 2nd birthday!
74 days till Christmas!
Until next time, I will be getting ready for camping (yay) and posting about some stuff for that when I get time, going through the pictures from our trip to Maryland, and finishing Nikolai quilt! :)
Linking up at Friday Felicities
I can only imagine how sweet it must have been to watch Nikolai enjoying his first plane ride. My family lives on the other side of the continent, too, so I know how hard that is. Happy Friday and thanks for linking up!