Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Awaiting a Phone Call....

My nerves are going haywire! I think my interview had gone fairly well, and apparently the interview team thought so too! I had gotten a call back from the principal a half hour after the interview saying the teachers wanted him to pursue the application process further! That means background check and verifying references! So excited! He said I could expect a phone call no later than Thursday, with a possibility on Wednesday...

Well, today is Wednesday and I am waiting...

I am so excited because I really want this job! The more I thing about it, the more I want it. Of course, it will be co-teaching and I will not get my own classroom, but at least I will be teaching! I wont have to worry about renewing my provisional certificates, running out of time with the provisional certs, and having to retake the AEPA (scary!!!)...

I eventually want to get my Ed.S. in school psychology, so this is a great job to get me in that direction! General education teaching (as fun as that would be) I don't think would be best for going in the direction of Ed.S. in school psychology. I am just nervous, my hands are shaking...

I wont be making much, but it should be enough to supplement Brandon's income, pay bills, and maybe save for a down payment on a house. That would be nice! buying a house maybe a year down the road... It is nice to dream...

I was thinking about our living arrangement (and hating the swamp cooler) when I realized that I have not lived in one spot for more than 2 years. This goes back to when I graduated high school! Even a little before that! We have been in this house for about 2.5 years, and here I am getting restless. I can feel the want to move somewhere, to get something new. This isn't our house, no need to do anything to it or spend the money into this house. I think it would be nice to have a place to call ours. Something that we can put money into, to have carpeting and air conditioning! Something that is 'ours'. I just hope that if we do find a place, I don't feel the urge to move after 2 years.

In the mean time, Nikolai has been keeping me busy, with his crawling and cruising around the furniture! No teeth yet, and loves to eat. It seems that is all I have been doing lately, feed him and put him down for a nap... right now, he is napping... When he wakes up, time for lunch... I guess I should eat something while I still have the time to.

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